When Time Is Tight, Think TuffX
A stunning single-storey property in Scotland was given a high-end exterior finish against the clock, thanks to glass supplied in double-quick time by TuffX.
Trust TuffX To Get the Job Done
A private residence in Cupar, Fife, in Scotland, completed a stunning roof terrace overlooking a park, with a simple yet elegant glass balustrade with...
Edgetech’s Super Spacer TriSeal SG to enable spectacular new buildings
Warm-edge pioneers Edgetech have released the latest in a series of outstanding next-generation spacer bars.
Super Spacer® TriSeal™ SG brings the exceptional strength of the...
Student halls – but not as you know them: Edgetech excels on stunning Danish...
From a bird’s eye view, it looks like a meandering path through a leafy city park. But get a bit closer, and you realise...
Staying Safe, Looking Great with TuffX
An elegant building requires an equally elegant safety glass solution – which is exactly what toughened glass specialists TuffX recently supplied to a residential...
World-Class Glass
When Planet Roofing wanted to upgrade its new premises, including all the windows, there was no doubt who would be the best supplier for...
‘Healthy’ Eco-Friendly Mirror Added to Range Of Saint-Gobain Glass Mirrors
The latest innovation from Saint-Gobain Glass is MIRALITE PURE, a lead and solvent-free, mirror, demonstrating huge health benefits and environmentally friendly credentials to eco-conscious...
TriSeal™ protects priceless manuscripts in ambitious Qatar National Library building
Edgetech’s world-renowned Super Spacer has played a crucial role in the construction of one of the Middle East’s most spectacular new buildings.
The celebrated product...
TuffX: The Easy Choice for Toughened Glass
A holiday lodge overlooking a stunning Scottish loch deserves something a little special when it comes to the finishing touches. And leading glass specialist...
TuffX’s Million-Metre Milestone
Toughened glass specialist TuffX has recently processed it’s one millionth linear metre of glass, on the Bovone ELB 12 HS straight line edging machine...