Clearview and Pro Installer have ‘rounded’ off a hat-trick of golf days, raising a total of almost £25,000 for GM Fundraising and Hope House Hospice. Since the inaugural event in 2022 – which raised a pot of £12,000 – golf teams from across the industry have met at Hickleton Golf Course every year.

With the grand trophy, individual prizes and once-in-a-lifetime auction lots up for grabs, as GM Fundraising representative Adrian Barraclough said, it has become a regular date in the diary for all involved. This year saw 64 golfers tee off to a shotgun start, followed by 18 holes with beat the pro, nearest pin and longest drive challenges throughout the course.

Hickleton was lovely and sunny for the round (if not a bit blustery!) but plenty of fun was had by all, especially when the players arrived back at the clubhouse ready for the evening’s activities.

Following the traditional post-golf pint, pie and chips dinner, it was time for the prize giving, raffle draw and sports auction. A record-breaking 10 players ‘beat the pro’ this year, and as trophies were handed out for the other individual prizes (full details in the official review), all eyes were on the main award; won by Quickslide in 2022 and 2023. But would the trophy be heading back to Brighouse this year?

As Steve announced the top three scores in reverse order; Made for Trade, followed by Harris & Co… the winners were: Quickslide; making it their own hat-trick too.

Next it was time for the raffle – where all players are invited to make a donation to enter the draw, and with 15 prizes on offer, including a Garmin watch, golf bags, putters, pro lessons, shopping vouchers and Champagne, the odds were looking good for all involved. The auction prizes took it to the next level however, with football hospitality tickets, golf weekends, memorabilia and a very special piece of artwork from Hope House Hospice there to be bid on.

As in previous years, the organisers were blown away with the generosity of the sponsors and players. Steve Sidebottom, director at Clearview and (Glazerite player for the day) commented: “It’s fantastic to have another successful golf day in the bag. Each year it seems to get better and better for the players – we all have a lot of fun and enjoy meeting up with old friends to get a round of golf in. But we all know the main reason we do this is for a fantastic cause – GM Fundraising and Hope House Hospice.

“We are still collecting money from the auction, and we will announce the official total in our magazine review. Every penny we raise from these golf days go straight to the children and families that need it most and we know everyone agrees what a worthy cause that is. Every pound donated really does make a difference.

“So firstly thank you to all our sponsors, and our new to 2024 headline sponsor CWG Choices. Thanks as well to the companies that support us and take the time out of their busy day jobs to come along to the event, bringing brilliant prizes for the raffle and auction. And finally, to all the players, we can’t have a golf day without them so thank you. Well done to the winners – individual and team. Can anyone beat Quickslide?”

If you’d like to sponsor a hole, enter a team or donate a prize to next year’s golf day, get in touch with or