Lockdown ‘lead lifeline’ proves vital for installers

Installers were provided with a ‘lead lifeline’ during lockdown thanks to a provider of double qualified sales leads in the home improvement industry.

With installers having grave concerns that inbound leads would dry up, Leads 2 Trade acted quickly to ensure its members were able to access enquiries in that period and act on them immediately after the lockdown thanks to its Lead Vault.

Launched at the beginning of the year, the Lead Vault was designed for any overspill of double qualified leads for members to access.

But with hundreds of consumer leads being generated per week through its network of home improvement websites, with over 1000 quote requests from homeowners received in just one week alone, Leads 2 Trade came up with the idea to redirect these enquiries into the vault.

They then made it available to all members, and those that wanted to still receive leads could take advantage. And as there was no way to double qualify the leads as normal due to its contact centre being temporarily shut, each enquiry was priced at just £5.

The service has helped keep some companies afloat and allowed members to hit the ground running as the lockdown starts to lift.

Andy Royle, co-founder and director of Leads 2 Trade explained: “It was important to us to help our members as much as we possibly could remotely during lockdown and as our network of websites were still generating a healthy number of leads we thought the Lead Vault would be the perfect place to put them for members to access.

“We were explicit that the leads were ‘raw’ due to our call centre not being able to double qualify them, which was why we were able to price them at minimal cost, and this allowed members to take advantage of the spike in consumer searches and build up a quote bank ready for the return to work.”

Top Class leads

While the Lead Vault would contain a mixed bag of leads, one Leads 2 Trade member was delighted with the results.

Altrincham-based Top Class Conservatories Windows and Doors, which operates across the North West, has been using Leads 2 Trade for some time and took up the offer of the Lead Vault.

Director Kevin Tully explained: “Leads 2 Trade are always thinking of their customers and offer a fantastic service of leads and follow ups.

“When Andy came up with the fantastic idea during lockdown to go out of his way and still supply enquiries at a special rate, we took advantage of the scheme. It enabled us to build up our enquiries to speak to customers after lockdown, so there would be continuity after this period.

“It’s great that Leads 2 Trade always put their customers first and help them through a crisis, and I’d like to say a big thank you to Andy – we really appreciate his and Leads 2 Trade’s help.”

Andy commented: “We are absolutely delighted to hear that Top Class Conservatories got such a great return after the lockdown thanks to the Lead Vault.”

Back and ready to go

Since reopening, Leads 2 Trade has returned to the premium lead service model that its members have come to rely on, which includes appointment booking, no pitch no fee, and hotkey leads.

Leads are still available from the Lead Vault to allow members to top up their weekly allowances if they wish, but they are back to being fully qualified, with accompanying notes by its contact centre, and can be purchased at the normal price.

And, in keeping with putting their customers first, the company has launched a new service for installers that will see them only have to pay for a lead if they sit and pitch it.

And to make things easier, not only will the lead come with a fixed appointment, but installers will only be competing against one other company for the job.

“Since coming back from lockdown, we have looked at the industry and environment post-Covid and decided to adapt our business model to suit,” explained Andy.

“Instead of our traditional, pre-Covid, model of providing the consumer with up to four no obligation quotes from installers from their local area, like so many other lead providers, we will now provide just two. For installers that means it will be just them and one other supplier – and they will only have to pay for the lead if they actually sit and pitch to the customer.”

To make it even more attractive, Leads 2 Trade is offering two free appointed leads when you open a trial account, for a minimum spend of 10 leads, meaning you get 20% of your 10 premium leads for free.

For more information on Leads 2 Trade, telephone 0800 124 4308 or visit https://leads2trade.co.uk